Congratulations to these students!!

Would you like to meet with Superintendent Gill to discuss Pine River Area Schools? Friday at 2 pm, she will host an open office hour at the high school. Use the High School Main Office entrance to attend. Go Bucks!

February is Career & Technical Education Month! Pine River Area Schools has over 100 high school students attending the WMISD Career Tech Center for half day educational programs. 17 programs are offered to prepare our students for the future and they are:
Agriscience & Natural Resources
Allied Health/Health Science Careers
Applied Construction Technology
Automotive Technology
Building Business and Marketing
Business Management Administration
Career Skills
Computers, Networking, and Electronics Technology
Culinary, Baking, and Hospitality
Digital Media Production
Educational Careers
Heavy Equipment Technology
Manufacturing Technology
Metal Fabrication and Welding
Power Sports and Equipment
Public Safety
Way to go Bucks!

A LOT of home opportunities to see your Bucks this week including the Hall of Fame event on Friday!

Click the link to see this week's Elementary newsletter!

Click on the following link for this week's MS Newsletter! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DHemwqovUqZSO6QknUZuvi9kJU8IBW9vJ_oDW7V9qPs/edit?usp=sharing

The NHS-sponsored blood drive at the HS was successful today! Thanks to all the staff, students, and community members who donated, all the student volunteers, and to Versiti for helping the day go smoothly. We are looking forward to the next blood drive on April 3rd and helping even more!

Pine River Area Schools will be closed Friday, February 7, due to a large amount of staff and student illnesses. Rest up and we'll see you on Monday.

Please view the following link for information reguarding information about the flu from the Health Department:




Please view the letter from the Health Department reguarding the flu.

Like many communities, Pine River Area Schools is also experiencing a high rate of illness in students and staff at the present time (respiratory illness, Influenza A, & stomach flu are some illnesses going around the region).
There are some rules that all parents should stick to when it comes to illness and keeping your kids home. If your child has any of the following symptoms, it's time to let the school know they won't be at school:
Fever ( must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before going back to school),
Nausea and Vomiting, Diarrhea, Pink eye - go to the doctor, Listlessness, lethargy - consider going to the doctor, No appetite - consider going to the doctor,
A rough night (for example, if your child was up all night coughing or having trouble breathing, you might consider keeping them home to avoid the spread of illness).
Other recommendations are to wash hands frequently and wipe down everything touchable with germ-destroying solutions as often as possible.
Stay well or get well soon,
Superintendent Gill

The New Taco Bowl option for Taco Tuesday was a huge success! A bed of fiesta rice, beef taco meat, shredded cheese, bean and corn mix, with delicious veggies from the garden bar to personalize how you want. Delicious!

All are invited to this Important regional event:
What: Fabulous and Fragile - Understanding Mental Health, Technology and Our Kids.
When: Saturday, February 22nd, 1 - 2:30 p.m.
Where: Highland CRC, Marion, MI.
Free entry, refreshments, childcare and door prizes.

Pine River Area Schools has an amazing staff to recognize during this week's National School Counseling Week. We have counselors, social workers and student success coordinators that all work together to meet our students needs. Thank you all!

The wrestling team kicks off the post season with a huge match in Evart at 6:00 on Wednesday vs #5 Lakeview. Tickets are available of GoFan or by CC at the gate. No cash for MHSAA tournament events.

February is Career & Technical Education Month! So today I want to recognize our 104 students that are pursuing part of their high school education through the Career Tech Center at the Wexford Missaukee ISD. Our Pine River Hgh School students can participate in 17 different programs! For more information, click on this link https://wmisd.org/career-technical-center/.
Also, big PR congratulations to the following students for placing at the FFA District Leadership Contest on January 29th:
Demonstration, 2nd Place: Konnor Workman
Job Interview, 1st Place: Layla Draper and 3rd Place: Bailey Conroy
Well done students! Keep up the great work and good luck at Regionals on Feb 12th!