Please click on this link to view the updated agenda for tonight's Board workshop.  As a reminder, this Board workshop will take place in-person with online attendance available also.  Instructions on how to attend remotely were posted with yesterday's public notice, however, here is the information again:

To attend tonight's meeting via Google Meet, please click and follow the prompts to join the meeting.  Your microphone will be muted.  You may unmute your microphone during public comment only if you wish to address the Board president at that time.

To attend tonight's meeting via telephone, please call 1 646-694-0616‬ and enter the following PIN (when prompted): 328 305 899‬#.  Again, your microphone will be muted.  If you wish to address the Board president during public comment and you are attending by phone, you may press star 6 (*6) to unmute your microphone.

If you have any technical difficulties while logging in, please contact (231) 444-7975 for assistance.