School board vacancy


The Pine River Area Schools Board of Education is seeking applications for a 

position left vacant by the recent resignation of a board member. The position 

will be filled by appointment at its August 26, 2024 Special Board Meeting. The 

appointed board member shall hold the office through December 31st of the next 

regular school election year (November, 2026). 

To be eligible to be appointed to the vacant position, a person: 

▪ Must be a registered voter in the school district where he/she is an 


▪ Must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a 

resident of the State of Michigan for at least 30 days, and a resident of 

the school district on or before the 30th day prior to the appointment 


Those interested in applying for the vacant position should submit a letter of 

interest and resume addressed as indicated below and deliver it in person or by 

email to

Kevin Delancey, President 

Pine River Board of Education 

17445 Pine River Road 

Leroy, Michigan 49655 

Applicants may be interviewed at the August 26, 2024 Special Board Meeting at 

6 p.m. in the Middle School Library. The deadline to apply is August 21, 2024 at 

4 p.m.