Community forum 6/19

Superintendent Michelle Gill will hold a community forum on Wednesday, June 19th at 5:30 p.m. in the middle school library to discuss the August 6th zero mill increase bond proposal.

The primary purpose of the bond is to replace the broken wastewater / septic system at the middle / high school facilities. Previous bond funds paid for a fence around and access road to the wastewater / septic system.

Additional goals of the bond are to finish HVAC upgrades to improve air quality, replace outdated electrical panels, renovate some bathrooms, improve security / door access and replace instructional technology for teachers and students.

Passing this bond will keep the school millage tax rate the same as the current levy. This is a zero mill increase bond, meaning it keeps the tax rate the same as it is now.

The students and staff of Pine River Area Schools appreciate our community's ongoing support!